Sally Meyers, Life Coach
Happy Ripples Coaching
Your Source for Personal Growth
I offer a variety of coaching services to help you move past the obstacles in your life. I will help you identify your personal values, strengths, and abilities in support of your personal and professional goals. Contact me to see how I can help you develop different perspectives and achieve the outcomes you’re striving for.
What Can I Help You With?
Are you feeling stuck?
Let's find you a program that helps you get unstuck and love your life again.
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Happy Ripples Coaching provides a community of loving, supportive, non-judgmental women like you that are on their growth journey.
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About Me
I’ve helped my clients break through the obstacles that seem to be holding them back in life. Life's too short to be unhappy, unsure, or unfulfilled. Let me help you learn and develop better ways to handle the issues that are standing in the way of your happiness. Get in touch today to see what I can do for you.


I was feeling stuck. Like I was stuck in a box and couldn’t get out. I didn’t understand what was holding me back from taking the next step in my business and life. I started to feel deflated because I was not moving forward. I knew I was good at what I did but felt like I was not good enough to help others. Having a space to grow my confidence and learn how to work through my thoughts helped me make the shift. My life is different now that I have started moving forward again. The areas that were grey are now filled with light. I have the tools and techniques I need to overcome self-doubt, so I don’t get stuck in the box again. I don’t worry about how I need to please others, but instead, I live for what makes me happy. My first steps to living my dream life have been put into motion, and I have reignited my business doing the things I love to do.

I thought people-pleasing, perfectionism, fear of abandonment and using food to numb my feelings were my biggest challenges. It wasn’t until I became more educated and aware that I realized these were merely reactions to and protective behaviors keeping me from getting to the root of the real problem. I didn’t love myself. I didn’t take care of myself. I didn’t trust myself. I didn’t believe I was worthy of anything good. This was especially challenging because without self-love and self-care, I was filling the void with self-harming, self-loathing and self-defeating beliefs, thoughts, and feelings. Then in November 2020, I enrolled in Sally’s inaugural 6-month Self program. The first major shift occurred almost immediately and continues through the present. Confusion gave way to clarity. Calmness quieted the chaos. Self-doubt blossomed into self-confidence. Love conquered fear, and abundance gladly took the place of scarcity. I am grateful for Sally’s commitment to help women like me make room for joy re-learn how to love themselves and nourish themselves with self-care.

I removed myself from a toxic relationship and although I moved out of his home and got an apartment, it was very difficult to cut communications with him. I had completely lost myself in that relationship and had been so demoralized I had lost my joy and lost who I once was. I didn’t know anyone in the area that was just “my” friend because everyone I met when I moved to his home town was “his” friend. It just became easier for to keep the peace and be complacent and stay home or hurry home from work so there would be no turmoil between us. All the turmoil was inside of me. It’s hard to describe the impact, because it was so great. Every week felt like a new beginning for me. You or one of the other wonderful ladies would say something and it would be like an aha moment. I slowly started feeling worthy of myself again and feeling happy and so much stronger than I had been. My life now doesn’t even compare to how it was when we first met. I know I don’t deserve to treated any other way than with respect. I deserve self love first and foremost. I am happy within again, my joy is back and I am happy. Nothing is perfect and there are always challenges because how I was treated in that relationship didn’t some damage and I find myself questioning things sometimes, butI have learned that if I calm the inner child and reassure her, I am instantly feeling better.